prevent slip accidents with slipology - the book

In "Prevent Slip Accidents With Slipology," slip safety expert Christian Harris unveils a data-driven approach to tackle one of the most pervasive yet challenging safety issues faced by businesses today.The book is packed with real-world case studies, practical strategies, and scientific insights that will revolutionise your approach to slip prevention.Whether you're a safety professional, facility manager, or business owner, "Prevent Slip Accidents With Slipology" provides the tools and knowledge you need to create safer environments, reduce accidents, and protect both people and your bottom line.

  1. Ensure Safety

  2. Reduce Costs

  3. Protect Your Organisation

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Next steps to further reduce your slip risk

Self-assess your Slip Prevention Score

Click the button below to self-assess your Slip Prevention Score for free, in only 3.5 minutes

Join a slip prevention Zoom workshop

Click the button below to secure your space at a 90-minute How To Prevent Slip Accidents workshop with Christian Harris